Many people say, I am curious about doing a regression or doing a past life regression and curious to see what I was in my past life, but I'm afraid. And people have different kinds of fear around it. Some say that I'm afraid to remember some suppressed memories and they describe it like it's opening a Pandora box. What if I remember something, see something, and I cannot unsee it. And then I have to live with that terrible memory.
The other fear is to find out that they're a shitty person. It's not funny, well, it is because there is no such thing. Nobody has ever found out in a regression that they're a shitty person, but I'm laughing because I had the same fear. I also had a suspicion that I'm a piece of shit, in reality, if you scratch the surface. So I can definitively say that you have nothing to fear. To the contrary what you will find is compassion for yourself. And very likely you will find love for yourself. Self-love.
The self-love happens when we see a very tough experience that we have gone through as a little person, or maybe in some past life, like maybe you were burned on the inquisition fire, or maybe you were an alien (I've seen that happen!). What you will feel as a result of seeing yourself going through it is compassion for yourself.
Let's say you remembered your four or five year old self going through a traumatizing experience, and whatever you may have done in that situation, you will see that whatever it was, it was not your fault. You did your best.
You will not see it like, "what a piece of shit I am." No, not at all. As a result of a regression, your relationship with yourself will improve. So please do not allow that fear to stop you from discovering yourself, from understanding yourself better. Because getting to know yourself better is the foundation of self-love, self-respect, self-esteem, and self-appreciation, and emotional health is not possible without that.
So please, please go for it. And I look forward to discovering You together with you. Thanks for watching.
Much love,
P.S. Looking forward to seeing you in your regression session!