After regression: start observing your feelings

You've demonstrated formidable courage and curiosity to have confronted your fears and suppressed memories. You took a huge step towards yourself. It feels good, doesn't it?!

Now, you need to integrate everything that you have learned during your regression session.

Luckily, the process is "automatic", i.e. your subconsciousness will take care of healing the trauma you've discovered all on its own. But, you can help.

Start observing your feelings.

Become obsessed with your feelings. Lol I know it may sound ridiculous, but I am not exaggerating!

Here's what I mean by that:

Imagine that you are an investigative journalist and your next report is on your feelings. You have to gather as much information about them as you possibly can.

How can you do it?

If you are anything like me, then knowing how you feel at every single moment is not your strength. You may have become so good at suppressing your emotions, that you have no clue about how you feel most of the time. I was like that.

I suppressed my feelings all the time.

It used to take me weeks or even months before I'd realize that I was upset because I felt that my mom was disappointed with me, and that's why I acted defensive. Took me years of practice to shrink that lag between feeling an emotion and knowing what I felt. Now it can take me just a few minutes to become aware of my feelings.

The good news is you don't need years to understand how you feel. I'll tell you a very simple trick I've learned to identify my feelings. It helped me make massive progress, and it's as simple as asking yourself: "What do I feel right now?"

You see, our inner wisdom (i.e. our High Self) always knows, and stands ready to give us answers, all we need to do is ask. So, even when I don't have a clue about my feelings, but I ask myself "what do I feel?" an answer pops up in my mind a few seconds later. It's magic.

Check in with yourself throughout the day: "what do I feel?". And wait for the answer, it'll come to you. Note the feeling.

Do this when you get triggered, when you are stressed or calm, when you are excited or upset - develop a habit like with hydrating, when you make sure that you drink water.

Journal it.

Journaling will give you additional insights into the universe of your feelings. Also, it'll help you see your progress, measure how far you have come. It may sound frivolous, a waste of time, but think about it: your mindset and your emotional health determine probably at least 95% of your success at work and in personal life. Is working on your most important asset frivolous?

Why is observing your feelings so important?

Our feelings provide a window into the world of our inner child.

Our inner child is precisely who we are healing in the regression. So, when we observe our feelings, we are moving toward our emotional health.

Why are we healing the inner child??

When we get traumatized as kids, our psyche gets splintered, and a little piece of our psyche gets stuck in that moment, replaying it over and over again. It is that "kid" that gets triggered by arguments or any events that somehow resemble that moment when she was yelled at, scared, or punished.

In other words, whenever we find ourselves in a self-sabotaging pattern, a difficult situation, or when we experience anxiety, it's that inner traumatized child in us, who feels that anxiety or is scared to death.

The only way for us to clear those programs and live our best life is to heal that inner child. The only way to do it is by knowing how we feel. Because we feel what that inner child feels.

As we learn how we feel, i.e. we are aware and conscious of being scared, feeling "less than" or feeling great, we begin to understand how our inner child is doing. That's our clue to how we are doing emotionally, deep down.

So, start observing your feelings, notice how your feelings evolve over time.

The additional bonus is when you pay attention to your inner child, it immediately feels better. You see, that inner kid is scared and alone, nobody has paid attention to her for decades. What kids need the most when they are being neglected? Yessss, loving attention. What do they do, when they get attention?

They relax, their fear is gone. They want to go and play.

If you find yourself feeling anxious or scared, imagine you have a 4 or 5 year old kid in your lap. What would you do if that was really the case?

You'd hug her, cuddle her, tell her it's not her fault, she'll get it right the next time, tell her you love her. Right? Do that! Imagine yourself as a kid, put her in your lap, and calm her down. Make sure she knows she is loved and lovable. You will be surprised how quickly the heavy feelings go away.

Ping me any time about your progress or your challenges, I want to hear from you.

Lots of love! And, congratulations once again! You did it!!

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