What is EMDR? When should I use it?
EMDR is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. You can google it to learn more about the science behind it. In practice, it's a powerful healing modality, which works effectively with anxiety, "negative" / tough emotions and trauma. Basically, I guide you to move your eyes back and forth while you feel said emotions/recall trauma, and your psyche processes/digests it.
A great thing about this therapy is that you don't have to go into the story, remember a traumatic event, you just get in touch with the feeling that bothers you right now, and you transform it. Boom.
I am usually a lover of the story behind the trigger, I love to know "why am I feeling the way I am feeling". I love searching for a "deeper meaning" behind everything. But even I, a chronic overthinker, LOVE to just get it over with sometimes.
Whatever happened, happened. Shit it out and move on.