Custom hypnosis
Custom hypnosis is your own custom-tailored visualization to achieve a specific goal or a desired outcome.
What can hypnosis help with?
- tough negotiations
- job interview
- demanding performance
- public speech
- learning a new language
- dropping a bad habit
- dealing with addiction/anxiety

For example, you are working on a tough deal, and a lot is on the line. Or, you are learning a new language, and you are pressured to show progress but you feel like you just can't remember it. Or, you have an interview coming up, and you are feeling rusty. Or, you have to give a speech to a large audience for the first time, and you are feeling nervous.

So, you get a custom hypnosis recording to help you close the deal successfully, or learn the new language, shine at the interview, or deliver a spectacular speech.
I'd like a session!
+1 347 223 2476

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