Custom hypnosis /Skill rehearsal session
A skill rehearsal session and/or custom hypnosis help trick your psyche into thinking you've already achieved it once.
What can hypnosis help with?
- A high stakes event/deal
- a job interview
- a demanding performance
- public speech
- learning a new language
- dropping a bad habit
- dealing with addiction/anxiety

Skill rehearsal makes your psyche believe that you have already successfully done it: closed the deal, passed the job interview, gave a speech, learned a new language.

It's a great process, and it's more than just telling yourself "I can do it". It actually makes your brain produce that dopamine after you've successfully accomplished an action. And, as you can imagine, doing it a second time, is much easier than the first. You've already done it, you've experienced the accolades.

Fun fact: our brain does not care if you've done it or imagined it. To our brain it's same difference.

The session: the process is called "Skill Rehearsal". We do it once together. If you want to work deeper I can make a custom hypnosis tape for you, and you have to play it once or twice a day for a month for best results.
I'd like a session!
+1 347 223 2476

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