Emotional Freedom Technique:
EFT or tapping leverages Chinese acupuncture methodology to reset energy flows in the body.
Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a super simple and super powerful tool for handling many emotional and physical challenges.

In the video below I share a bit more about it, and explain how to do it. A demo is in the 2nd video.
EFT: what it is an how to do it
EFT demo:
EFT works if you do it!
In the demo below I use EFT to bust through a dry spell if you are in sales. The phrase I use is "I cannot close a deal". You can use "I have a headache", or "I have anxiety", or "I am afraid of public speaking".

Before you do EFT measure how you feel about the issue on the scale from 1 to 10. Remeasure after you are done.
I cant close a deal!
Contact me:

E-mail: elena@yourinnerwisdom.net
Phone: +1347 223 2476
Social networks: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube
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