How a past life regression helped me
I used to be ridden by phobias, food allergies, anxiety, insecurities, and had no idea about how to handle my emotions. Here's how past life regressions helped me find my sense of self and build an emotionally healthy life.
I had a relatively normal upbringing — if you count childhood in the Soviet Union as normal. I was blessed with good looks. I had good grades, had a great career back at home in Ukraine, moved to the States to go to a great business school, built a career in finance, and had lots of friends. So all of my "issues","insecurities" and addictions, which were many, seemed like overreaction or simply me being neurotic. But why — why was I being neurotic?
While on the surface everything was "great", I used to be an emotional wreck, ridden by phobias, health conditions, anxiety and poor self esteem. I was terrified by heights, the darkness, the closets, the worms, the bats, the bugs (yes any kind of bugs!), the snakes — the list goes on. In undergrad I almost got kicked out of the biology program (as professionally unfit), because I had screamed at the sight of a frog and broke the lab equipment (true story!).
I suffered from a leaky gut, ulcer, food allergies, constipation, stiff muscles, adrenal gland syndrome, weak immune system, insomnia, you name it I probably had it. I used to perpetually drown in the feelings ocean. I did not understand my emotions, nor was I equipped to handle them. My life was a violent emotional rollercoaster, which I smoothed out the best I could with partying, alcohol, retail therapy and sex.
I used to say that career wise I was probably 52 by the time I was 30, while emotionally I was a teenager at best. Do you know what I mean?
Past life regressions helped me get my life back. Or rather, build a new emotionally healthy life.
Every time I "remembered" another lifetime, I understood myself better.
With understanding came self compassion, which was followed by self love.
And that, i.e. self love, was the most important gift of all. Importantly for me, regressions gave me an explanation for my neuroticism. When I saw every which way I got murdered, betrayed, chased after (and killed), raped or burned on the inquisition fire, I understood why I had this or that hangup.
Bonus: my symptoms and phobias subsided. My gut is healthy, the food allergies are gone — I can eat anything I want, and I forgot (thank god) what a bloated stomach feels like. I am proud to report that I managed a trip to the Amazon jungle a year ago — full of bugs, snakes, tarantulas and I was cool. Two years ago I knowingly went into a cave, full of bats, in Egypt. I should jump with a parachute next — even the thought of it used to terrify the sh*t out of me. Now I am contemplating it lol.
A disclaimer: I had tried every imaginable therapy out there, including the heart opening seminars, ayahuasca, shamanic practices, family constellations by Bert Hellinger and holotrope to name the best ones. Everything contributed to my emotional healing and growth.
Regressions remain my favorite tool because it is the most accessible, effective and fastest alternative therapy method I have found this far. It can be done online so you don't even need to leave your house! The downside is a wasted hour of your life, and the upside is getting closer to your emotional freedom. Try one and let me know how it went! Or book one with me by emailing me at
You have nothing to lose!
In summary, a past life regression could help you uncover the reasons for, reset, and heal the seemingly inexplicable heavy emotions, anxiety or even physical symptoms. It could give you a better sense of control over your life, your emotions, help you cultivate your sense of self. You would feel better, lighter and stronger, strong enough to tackle all the challenges that life throws at you. All it takes is an hour and a half of your time. Peace.