Who is the regression for??
The freedom is on the other side of fear.
The regression is a powerful tool for self knowledge. It is also a profound way to get to know yourself better. Regression helps to release past trauma, emotional blockages and rewrite self sabotaging programs and limiting beliefs.

This is why regressions are for all people, who want to get to know themselves better. People who seek inner growth. People who understand that to live to the fullest, enjoy every moment, regain that child-like curiosity and joy, we sometimes have to go back into the suppressed old pain, and deal with it.

Why go into pain? Because there is freedom on the other side.

Because as long as you nurse that pain, you remain its hostage. You are sensitive about that issue, you get triggered every time a situation reminds you of that traumatic painful experience - even if you do not register it consciously - and you carry that scar in your heart.

However, the moment you go into that pain, relive it for a brief moment, you become free from it. You erase the scar, you clear up your psyche for new positive experiences and conscious programs.

Is regression for me??
In this video I share my perspective on whether regression is for you.
Contact me:

E-mail: elena@yourinnerwisdom.net
Phone: +1347 223 2476
Social networks: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube
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